swh: Grenoble (D3A_4085)
swh: Grenoble (D3A_4106)
swh: Xylocopa violacea (D3A_4193)
swh: Monte Isola (D3A_4241)
swh: Lake Iseo at Dusk (_1000795)
swh: Lake Iseo at Dusk (_1000802)
swh: Lake Iseo by Night (D3A_4260)
swh: Bergamo Towers (_1000816)
swh: Bergamo Funicular Railway (_1000830)
swh: Bergamo Doorway (56640006)
swh: Bergamo Tower (56640009)
swh: Bergamo Roofs (56640014)
swh: Basilica S. Maria Maggiore (56640016)
swh: Bergamo Rooftops (56640019)
swh: Milan Duomo (56640021)
swh: Duomo Towers (56640032)
swh: Shadows on Duomo Square (_1000849)
swh: Duomo Gargoyle (_1000853)
swh: Duomo at Night (1000861)
swh: Lake Iseo (D3A_4266)
swh: Cislano (D3A_4270)
swh: Pyramids of Zone (D3A_4276)
swh: Pyramids of Zone (D3A_4288)
swh: Pyramids of Zone (D3A_4292)
swh: Cricket (D3A_4309)
swh: Dandelion (D3A_4314)
swh: Lake Iseo (D3A_4318)
swh: Verona (_1000888)
swh: Verona (_1000902)
swh: Torre di Lamberti (58640001)