steve happ: A point between Ilo and Tacna
steve happ: Church at Arica
steve happ: Mounted police
steve happ: Blackish Oystercatcher
steve happ: Surfing the left
steve happ: Diego's First Wave
steve happ: Maxi taking the drop
steve happ: Maxi in the barrel
steve happ: Maxi take off
steve happ: Diego going right
steve happ: Maxi drop
steve happ: Diego in the tube
steve happ: Belcher's gull
steve happ: Peruvian Pelican
steve happ: Peruvian Booby
steve happ: grey gull
steve happ: Red-legged Cormorant
steve happ: Blackish Oystercatcher
steve happ: Diego in the tube
steve happ: Maxi in the barrel
steve happ: maxi in tube
steve happ: getting bounced around
steve happ: and getting launched
steve happ: Nice turn Alberto
steve happ: Upside down
steve happ: going right
steve happ: American Oystercatcher
steve happ: Red-legged Cormorant
steve happ: immature Inca Tern