steve happ: Australian Pied Oystercatcher
steve happ: Yellow Wattlebird
steve happ: Pacific Gull
steve happ: Tasmanian Pademelon - maybe
steve happ: Potaroo - maybe
steve happ: c7l_6681
steve happ: Brown Thornbill
steve happ: Silvereye
steve happ: Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo
steve happ: Sooty Oystercatcher
steve happ: Tasmanian Native-hen
steve happ: Tasmanian Scrubwren
steve happ: Tasmanian Pademelon
steve happ: Green Rosella
steve happ: Brown Thornbill
steve happ: Common Blackbird
steve happ: Little Wattlebird
steve happ: Brush Bronzewing
steve happ: Grey Shrike-thrush
steve happ: Tasmanian Native-hen
steve happ: Forest Raven
steve happ: Hoary-headed Grebe
steve happ: Silvereye
steve happ: Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo
steve happ: Welcome Swallow
steve happ: Australian Shelduck
steve happ: Chestnut Teal - male with chicks
steve happ: Black Swan and baby
steve happ: Chestnut Teal maybe
steve happ: Swamp Harrier