Steve Guttman NYC: In the car
Steve Guttman NYC: Ann and the dogs
Steve Guttman NYC: Annabella, Max, Spike. East end of Rock Lake.
Steve Guttman NYC: Friday morning, Inwood Hill Park, New York City
Steve Guttman NYC: Saturday afternoon, Isham Park, New York City
Steve Guttman NYC: Ann and the dogs on the peninsula
Steve Guttman NYC: Saturday evening, Inwood Hill Park, New York City
Steve Guttman NYC: Ann and the dogs, east end of Rock Lake
Steve Guttman NYC: Isham St. Farmers' Market
Steve Guttman NYC: Thursday morning, Inwood Hill Park Dog Run
Steve Guttman NYC: Friday afternoon, Mendon Ponds County Park boat launch
Steve Guttman NYC: Max and Spike
Steve Guttman NYC: Frolic under the HHB