SteveGa: Sun/Yard arm
SteveGa: The Collector Part I
SteveGa: Size Zero
SteveGa: Bed squared
SteveGa: Waiting
SteveGa: Avarice, Greed & illy
SteveGa: Washing Day
SteveGa: Death of a Collector Part II
SteveGa: Schattenspiel
SteveGa: Black widow
SteveGa: Djaharzi
SteveGa: Victory over the future (detail)
SteveGa: Tabu Tabu 1
SteveGa: Room with the same view
SteveGa: Venetian Sunset
SteveGa: Linea 2 #8 - Nastro Azzurro
SteveGa: Another view from here
SteveGa: Afterwards
SteveGa: Rider of the storm