SteveGa: Sunrise
SteveGa: A certain breathing room for the spirit.
SteveGa: Sunrise on planet Earth
SteveGa: Sunrise
SteveGa: Sunrise
SteveGa: In flight
SteveGa: Sunrise over Knossington
SteveGa: February Sunrise
SteveGa: The problems seem so easy out there on the stump.
SteveGa: Sun in a primeval wood
SteveGa: Still round the corner there may wait a new road or a secret gate.
SteveGa: The Sound Of One Hand Clapping
SteveGa: The Sound Of One Hand Clapping
SteveGa: Pillbox Trilogy
SteveGa: Pillbox Trilogy
SteveGa: Pillbox Trilogy
SteveGa: Love doesn't grow on the trees
SteveGa: The past is a foreign country
SteveGa: Using a feather
SteveGa: A new day yesterday
SteveGa: Dimly aware of a certain unease in the air
SteveGa: The hanging tree
SteveGa: Beneath the omniscient sky II
SteveGa: Sun on the back II
SteveGa: In blossom
SteveGa: Snowdrops
SteveGa: Gold and Brown
SteveGa: There is no blue without yellow
SteveGa: You cannot protect something by building a fence around it and thinking that this will help it survive.
SteveGa: Look into the seeds of time