stevefaeembra: paris-flickr-heatmap2
stevefaeembra: Peak District CG Rendering
stevefaeembra: buichaille etive mor in flickr [video]
stevefaeembra: City of London modelled in Blender
stevefaeembra: lego cartography using qgis and blender
stevefaeembra: paris roads, by numbers of cafes and restaurants
stevefaeembra: Edinburgh bus routes and their accessibility to people who have no access to a car
stevefaeembra: edinburgh ttw bus
stevefaeembra: London Motorway Accident Map
stevefaeembra: sliding one globe over another [CGI Video]
stevefaeembra: Husvik Whaling Station
stevefaeembra: If you could see sound, what would it look like?
stevefaeembra: Insolation (Video)
stevefaeembra: glasgow census 2011 - travel to work by train
stevefaeembra: Ben Nevis, Minecraft-style
stevefaeembra: Population Model
stevefaeembra: OpenCycleMap in 3D using QGIS and Blender
stevefaeembra: Mars, terraformed - v2
stevefaeembra: Relief map with Blender & QGIS
stevefaeembra: Mars, Terraformed
stevefaeembra: Old Edinburgh in 3D
stevefaeembra: Flying around Skye [video}
stevefaeembra: Population model
stevefaeembra: UK Railway station usage 2014-2015
stevefaeembra: Angus, Orthographic relief map
stevefaeembra: The Ctrl-C Ctrl-V landscape
stevefaeembra: Cartography of the human form
stevefaeembra: Edinburgh road network Betweenness Centality
stevefaeembra: Edinburgh Bus Routes (QGIS/Blender)
stevefaeembra: NN mesh in blender