stevecavers: And... start
stevecavers: Starting to paint
stevecavers: More painting and assembly
stevecavers: More painting and assembly
stevecavers: More painting and assembly
stevecavers: More painting and assembly
stevecavers: More painting and assembly
stevecavers: Finalizing the painted details.
stevecavers: Finalizing the painted details.
stevecavers: Decals applied, clear coated. Last stop before applying a dark wash for lowlights.
stevecavers: Decals applied, clear coated. Last stop before applying a dark wash for lowlights.
stevecavers: Decals applied, clear coated. Last stop before applying a dark wash for lowlights.
stevecavers: Decals applied, clear coated. Last stop before applying a dark wash for lowlights.
stevecavers: Fixing mistakes and not learning
stevecavers: Fixing mistakes and not learning
stevecavers: Don't do this
stevecavers: Enterprise B complete
stevecavers: Enterprise B complete
stevecavers: Enterprise B complete
stevecavers: Enterprise B complete
stevecavers: Enterprise B complete
stevecavers: Enterprise B complete