stevecavers: Ertl Enterprise refit box
stevecavers: Shuttlecraft Galileo
stevecavers: Before building
stevecavers: Lighting the nacelles
stevecavers: Nacelle light test
stevecavers: Surface of the Enterprise saucer part
stevecavers: Puttying the windows
stevecavers: Correcting the window patterns
stevecavers: Underside of the saucer before drilling
stevecavers: Wiring the top half of the saucer
stevecavers: Ugly white paint
stevecavers: Chopping the shuttle bay
stevecavers: New shuttle bay entrance
stevecavers: Lighting the secondary hull
stevecavers: Secondary hull light test
stevecavers: Saucer light test
stevecavers: Gluing the neck
stevecavers: Saucer glued and taped
stevecavers: Comparing kit parts to after-market parts
stevecavers: Twin light fixture for torpedo bays
stevecavers: Torpedo bay light test
stevecavers: Wiring the secondary hull
stevecavers: Power jack and display stand mount
stevecavers: Secondary hull light test
stevecavers: Holes
stevecavers: Additional backlighting
stevecavers: Deflector lighting
stevecavers: Neck detail
stevecavers: Attaching the bridge
stevecavers: Attaching the sensor dome