Steve Bird1: Stag party
Steve Bird1: Deer and Wrekin
Steve Bird1: Attingham Stags
Steve Bird1: Attingham reflection
Steve Bird1: Shrewsbury spires and snow
Steve Bird1: Snow laden trees, Old St Chads Shrewsbury
Steve Bird1: St Julians from Old St Chads
Steve Bird1: Snowy avenue
Steve Bird1: Footpaths not treated in icy conditions
Steve Bird1: Red and white
Steve Bird1: Porthill bridge
Steve Bird1: Snow in the quarry
Steve Bird1: Snow storm in quarry park
Steve Bird1: Ironbridge cooling towers
Steve Bird1: Ironbridge power station
Steve Bird1: Cooling tower crown
Steve Bird1: Autumn in Paradise
Steve Bird1: View from the Rotunda
Steve Bird1: Golden bracken
Steve Bird1: Bluebell wood
Steve Bird1: Sunset tree
Steve Bird1: Flower show fireworks
Steve Bird1: Shrewsbury skyline
Steve Bird1: Dana foot bridge
Steve Bird1: Spring lambs
Steve Bird1: Pussy willow
Steve Bird1: Rainbow
Steve Bird1: Spanners
Steve Bird1: Haughmond Abbey
Steve Bird1: Plantation