Steves Shots: The Fly!!!
Steves Shots: Fly on Panzy
Steves Shots: Smile you son of a Bitch!!!!!!!! (Project Flickr Week-52 Open subject)
Steves Shots: Baby Praying Mantas
Steves Shots: Common Flesh Fly closeup {Explored}
Steves Shots: Blowfly
Steves Shots: Mosquito closeup (Asian tiger Mosquito apparentlly)
Steves Shots: Soldier fly??
Steves Shots: Hansa 75mm f3.5 Enlarger lens
Steves Shots: Bee inflight
Steves Shots: European Flesh Fly (Elite Bug) {Explored}
Steves Shots: Male Auckland Tree Weta around 2 inch in length
Steves Shots: Auckland NZ Tree Weta's (Male and Female) Male to the right, approx 2 inch in length
Steves Shots: Project Flickr Week-2 things on water
Steves Shots: Fugly the fly!!
Steves Shots: Blue bottle fly
Steves Shots: Tiny jumping spider
Steves Shots: Hanging on!!