Steves Shots:
(SOOC) 600mm Sigma, 2x 2x converters, 14mm, 20mm, 36mm tubes (uncropped)
Steves Shots:
600mm Sigma Mirror, around f/8, ISO 1600, 1/30, 2x 2x converters, 14mm,20mm tubes.
Steves Shots:
Tonights moon at around 3,500mm (uncropped) (Sigma 600mm mirror, 2x 2x converters 14mm extension tube between the converters)
Steves Shots:
First quarter
Steves Shots:
Moon (uncropped)
Steves Shots:
Steves Shots:
Tonights full moon (uncropped) (SOOC)600mm+2x+2x+14mm tube around 3,600mm
Steves Shots:
Steves Shots:
Tonights full moon
Steves Shots:
The moon's first 1/4
Steves Shots:
First Quarter
Steves Shots:
Moon surface
Steves Shots:
Project Flickr Week-40 In the Sky (There is no Dark side of the Moon, Really!)
Steves Shots:
Tonights full moon
Steves Shots:
Steves Shots:
Project Flickr Week-28 Nightlife
Steves Shots:
Week 20 round things
Steves Shots:
Project Flickr Week-48 Square crop
Steves Shots:
Tonights Moon
Steves Shots:
Last nights Moon
Steves Shots:
Handheld Shot of moon tonight with Sigma Mirror 600mm fixed f/stop 8 with 2x converter, experimenting with removal of filter slide allowing more light entering lens