Steve Barton Photography:
Andrew Holmes Volvo FM FJ59DLF'Can Can' Jump & Smile JP20 Load
Steve Barton Photography:
Robert Wheatleys ERF EC10 P514KBU Swans & Ducks DM45 Load
Steve Barton Photography:
William Scarrotts Renault Premium LT63TZK & Shady Scarrotts Volvvo FM SY56AFX
Steve Barton Photography:
John Penfolds MAN EU05VGO 'Crystal Maze' Mirror Show Load
Steve Barton Photography:
Thomas Hebborns ERF ECT WX03AAE 'Crazy Circus'Fun House Load
Steve Barton Photography:
John Rawlins ERF B Series CEB989V 'Temple of Doom' Mirrow Show Load
Steve Barton Photography:
Steve Barton Photography:
John Irvins Mercedes Actros J11RVN
Steve Barton Photography:
Phil Wests Foden Alpha Y992TSU 'Ramba Zamba' Miami MM132 Load
Steve Barton Photography:
Stephen Paveys Foden Alpha WX58AVR Fun House Load
Steve Barton Photography:
Leigh Danters Volvo FH SF06EVR Juvenile Helicoptor Juvenile Load
Steve Barton Photography:
Leigh Danters Volvo FH KX64TVK 'Take Off 40M' Starflyer SL27 Load
Steve Barton Photography:
Unknown DAF CF Big Wheel Load
Steve Barton Photography:
Phillip Searles Scania P15ERL
Steve Barton Photography:
Phillip Searles ERF EC10M216VTU Arvade Load
Steve Barton Photography:
Lawrence Cricks DAF XF 'Maze of Terror ' Load
Steve Barton Photography:
Joey Wilsons ERF C Series C104EME Play Centre Load
Steve Barton Photography:
Rae Armstrong Wilsons Scania 124L EU04GKC 'Rhythm Dancer' Miami MM59 Load
Steve Barton Photography:
John Ives Foden Alpha T958AGU ;Nightrider' Waltzer A120 Load 1
Steve Barton Photography:
Bob Wilsons Amusements VOLVO FH CN12EHT 'Storm' Booster TP23 Load
Steve Barton Photography:
William Robert Wilsons Volvo FH12 R744VOJ ;Vortex; Afterburner AF55 Load
Steve Barton Photography:
John Parrishs Volvo FH FX56KOD Extreme OB25 Load