Steve Barton Photography: Kyle & Mitchells Volvo FH FJ10UOS 'Mega Motion' Miami MM53
Steve Barton Photography: Kyle Taylors Scania 124L 420 EU53CFV Waltzer Lorry
Steve Barton Photography: Kyle Taylors Volvo FM BX58LXA Dodgem Load
Steve Barton Photography: Kyle Taylors Waltzer A174 Centre
Steve Barton Photography: Taylors of Edinburgh DAF LF FJ04UAH
Steve Barton Photography: Taylors of Edinburgh Renault BX04LTV
Steve Barton Photography: Taylors of Edinburgh Scania P410 MV15RWF
Steve Barton Photography: Kyle & Mitchells Volvo FH FJ10UOS 'Mega Motion' Miami MM53 Load 2
Steve Barton Photography: Taylors of Edinburgh Volvo FM KS12LWT
Steve Barton Photography: Taylors of Edinburghs Volvo FM KS12LWD
Steve Barton Photography: Warren Taylors Twist Load TW307
Steve Barton Photography: Warren Taylors Volvo FH SD61ONW Twist Unit