Steve Barton Photography: Tommy Boswells Foden PBH268W Fun House lorry
Steve Barton Photography: David Taylors ERF B Series CUU567V Magic Load
Steve Barton Photography: David Taylors ERF B Series YHH881T Waltzer Lorry Waltzer Centre
Steve Barton Photography: David Taylors ERF B Series YHH881T Waltzer Lorry
Steve Barton Photography: David Taylors ERF C Series CVM846Y Waltzer Load
Steve Barton Photography: David Taylors ERF C Series WBV609Y
Steve Barton Photography: David Taylors Walotzer Centre
Steve Barton Photography: David Wallis's ERF B Series VPP161S Kiddieland Juvenile and William Cubbins Slip.
Steve Barton Photography: Gary Gores ERF B Series PDA313R Ramba Zamba Load
Steve Barton Photography: Glyn de Konings Atkinson GWJ202N Ski Jump lorry
Steve Barton Photography: Glyn de Konings Sed Atki AVH472V Ski jump Load
Steve Barton Photography: Jon Manders and M and D Taylors ERF C Series
Steve Barton Photography: Jon Manders ERF C Series EUR321Y Sea Ray Load
Steve Barton Photography: M and D Taylors and Jon Manders ERF C Series
Steve Barton Photography: M and d Taylors ERF C Series B752LSF Street Dancer Load 2
Steve Barton Photography: M and D Taylors Scania 82m A968SGA Street Dancer Lorry
Steve Barton Photography: M and D Taylors Street Dance Load
Steve Barton Photography: M and D Taylors Street Dancer Truck
Steve Barton Photography: Michael Wallis's Foden s108 B653AHS Superbob Load
Steve Barton Photography: Michael Wallis's Superbob centre
Steve Barton Photography: Peter Richardsons ERF B Series A898DCF Giant Pick Load
Steve Barton Photography: Steven Hills ERF C Series HSG770X Miami load