Steve Barton Photography:
William Thurstons Volvo FH16 YJ58DDZ on loan to T Whyatt
Steve Barton Photography:
Andrew Harniess Foden Alpha Y368UON Sea Storm Lorry
Steve Barton Photography:
Anthony Harriss Iveco W469UPY
Steve Barton Photography:
Billy Howards ERF E10 E653SOG Slip Lorry
Steve Barton Photography:
Bradley Bedfords Foden Alpha S30BWB Superbob Load
Steve Barton Photography:
Charlie Hornes Scania SF04ACU Dodgem Truck
Steve Barton Photography:
Chris Peels Scania EU06DZB
Steve Barton Photography:
Curtis Eddys Volvo FH KX58YSF Fun House Load
Steve Barton Photography:
Danter Attractions Mercedes Actros 2860 LCZ7532
Steve Barton Photography:
Darren Matthews Volvo FH KX54VCU Starflyer Unit 1
Steve Barton Photography:
Darren Matthews Volvo FH PF06DXB 2
Steve Barton Photography:
Darren Matthews Volvo FH PF06DXB Starflyer Load
Steve Barton Photography:
Darren Matthews Volvo FH PF06DXB
Steve Barton Photography:
David Litliernhurnests DAF CF X30BCL
Steve Barton Photography:
David Taylors DAF XF EU09FKO
Steve Barton Photography:
David Taylors DAF XF G10OJT Twist Load
Steve Barton Photography:
David Taylors Foden Alpha Y344HMY Miami Load
Steve Barton Photography:
Edward Percivals DAF LF YN60DYM
Steve Barton Photography:
Elliot Crow (EC Events) Volvo FH KR56HNG
Steve Barton Photography:
Fred Proctors ERF EC M102LNE Helter Skelter Load
Steve Barton Photography:
Freddie Stokes Volvo FH YJ06FTT Jumbo Circus Fun House Load
Steve Barton Photography:
Gareth Smiths Foden Alpha MX55AOK Arcade Load
Steve Barton Photography:
Gerald Reeves Scania FJ08ALO Ice Jet Unit
Steve Barton Photography:
Gerald Reeves Scania R420 NK06NWA Void Extreme Unit
Steve Barton Photography:
Gerald Reeves Scania YK64ZTN Ice Jet Matterhorn Lorry
Steve Barton Photography:
Giant Wheel Company Ltd Foden Alpha SY05APV
Steve Barton Photography:
Giant Wheel Company Ltd MAN TGA MX57CEY
Steve Barton Photography:
Gilbert Chadwicks Ghost Train (Last Pull down b4 change of ownership)
Steve Barton Photography:
Graham Sedgwicks Foden Alpha SY04BNB Rotor Load
Steve Barton Photography:
Irvin Gambles Foden Alpha WX05ZXW Big Apple Coaster Load