Steve Barton Photography: William Wilsons Volvo FL PX03FKT Support Vehicle
Steve Barton Photography: Andrew Holmes Volvo FM FJ59DLF Can Can Jumper Load
Steve Barton Photography: Bob Wilson FunFairs Volvo FH CN12EHT Storm Booster Load
Steve Barton Photography: John Evans Jnrs Volvo FH12 OY53UVK Super Star Load
Steve Barton Photography: John Rawlins Volvo FH12 M797UKM Motion Theatre Simulator Load
Steve Barton Photography: Perrin Motts MAN TGX NX59DSO Trooper XL Supertrooper Load
Steve Barton Photography: Scott Kayes Foden 4425 Waltzer Load
Steve Barton Photography: Scott Kayes Foden Alpha YJ52PEC Waltzer Load
Steve Barton Photography: Sign of the Times 2021 not a Foden or ERF to been seen
Steve Barton Photography: William Sheldons Volvo FH12 B18VOL Twister Twist Load
Steve Barton Photography: William Wilsons Volvo FH12 M330VRE Dominator Miami Load