Eleanor Marriott: Reading the daily Granma newspaper, named after the boat that brought the revolutionaries to Cuba
Eleanor Marriott: Che grafitti in Havana
Eleanor Marriott: Che grafitti
Eleanor Marriott: A peacock in the Sierra Maedstra
Eleanor Marriott: Cuban flags
Eleanor Marriott: My own personal 'horse bus' service
Eleanor Marriott: Plaza de la Revolucion, Santa Clara
Eleanor Marriott: At the hut where Castro was captured after storming the Moncada barracks
Eleanor Marriott: The hut where Castro was captured after storming the Moncada barracks
Eleanor Marriott: Siboney Farm interior
Eleanor Marriott: Fidel and Raul Castro
Eleanor Marriott: Santiago de Cuba sign
Eleanor Marriott: Moncada barracks
Eleanor Marriott: Villa Santa Domingo hotel in the Sierra Maestra
Eleanor Marriott: Santiago cemetary with grave of rebel killed in attack on Moncada barracks
Eleanor Marriott: A grave for one of the revolutionaries killed after attacking the Moncada barracks
Eleanor Marriott: Che mural
Eleanor Marriott: Catching a bus for Bayamo
Eleanor Marriott: In the Sierra Maestra mountains
Eleanor Marriott: With my 'horse bus'
Eleanor Marriott: At the house where Castro lived as a boy
Eleanor Marriott: Santiago de Cuba
Eleanor Marriott: Remembering a meeting with Castro
Eleanor Marriott: Another 50th anniversary sign, Santiago de Cuba
Eleanor Marriott: With Renee's 1954 Ford
Eleanor Marriott: With the hut where Castro was captured after attacking the Moncada barracks
Eleanor Marriott: Che propoganda poster, Santa Clara
Eleanor Marriott: Roberto Salas, official photographer to Castro with the photo we bought