Eleanor Marriott: Another Chicken Bus bag for mum!
Eleanor Marriott: Big paws Bowser
Eleanor Marriott: Checking out the Xmas stocking
Eleanor Marriott: Edith and her presents
Eleanor Marriott: Edith's spoon balancing act
Eleanor Marriott: Inspecting the presents
Eleanor Marriott: The Snowman cake
Eleanor Marriott: Kathryn and the Snowman Cake
Eleanor Marriott: Pulling crackers
Eleanor Marriott: Steve checks out his new books
Eleanor Marriott: Opening the presents
Eleanor Marriott: Ben and Bowser
Eleanor Marriott: Lydia's new hat
Eleanor Marriott: Nigel and Lydia 2
Eleanor Marriott: Kathryn's chocolate brownies
Eleanor Marriott: Xmas candle
Eleanor Marriott: Roger and Jim
Eleanor Marriott: Hayley, the Marriott brothers and Sylvia
Eleanor Marriott: Eleanor at Paul and Hayley's
Eleanor Marriott: Little angel Edith
Eleanor Marriott: A country lane in winter
Eleanor Marriott: DSC_1248_4899_edited-1
Eleanor Marriott: Steve in the woods
Eleanor Marriott: Christmas candy stall at the Winter Festival
Eleanor Marriott: Xmas sweet stall
Eleanor Marriott: The Chicken Bus stall 2
Eleanor Marriott: Santa stampede
Eleanor Marriott: Lantern parade