Eleanor Marriott: Procession observer, Semana Santa
Eleanor Marriott: Street life
Eleanor Marriott: Woman with basket
Eleanor Marriott: Street life
Eleanor Marriott: Making tortillas
Eleanor Marriott: Boy on shoulders
Eleanor Marriott: Woman with basket
Eleanor Marriott: Woman with basket
Eleanor Marriott: Girl on a pier
Eleanor Marriott: Girl in the crowd
Eleanor Marriott: Woman in the crowd, Semana Santa
Eleanor Marriott: A smile from a procession participant, Semana Santa
Eleanor Marriott: Holy procession for Semana Santa
Eleanor Marriott: Wedding guest at Escuela de Santa Christo
Eleanor Marriott: Young participant in a procession
Eleanor Marriott: Candyfloss seller
Eleanor Marriott: Woman selling cloths
Eleanor Marriott: Boy getting his shoes shined
Eleanor Marriott: Child with dog that has broken its leg
Eleanor Marriott: Man at Antigua Market
Eleanor Marriott: Local on a motorbike
Eleanor Marriott: Making a phone call
Eleanor Marriott: Local woman at Lago Atitlan
Eleanor Marriott: Woman with basket, at the market
Eleanor Marriott: Moving furniture the hard way
Eleanor Marriott: Semana Santa
Eleanor Marriott: Old woman in San Juan pueblo, Lago Atitlan
Eleanor Marriott: Woman and child, Lago Atitlan
Eleanor Marriott: Woman in Central Parque
Eleanor Marriott: Local girl