Eleanor Marriott: Mr and Mrs Marriott
Eleanor Marriott: Leaving the service
Eleanor Marriott: Paul and Sylvia
Eleanor Marriott: Roger and David
Eleanor Marriott: Cutting the cake
Eleanor Marriott: Alan strikes a cigar smoking pose
Eleanor Marriott: A tense moment for Paul as he awaits the bride...
Eleanor Marriott: Steve's mum, Sylvia, with two of her sisters, Doreen and Clarice
Eleanor Marriott: The three uncles: David, Alan and Roger
Eleanor Marriott: Paul with his dad, Roger
Eleanor Marriott: With Eleanor's big sis' kathryn
Eleanor Marriott: Eleanor's parents welcome us back
Eleanor Marriott: Edith and Ben (taken by Lydia)
Eleanor Marriott: Eleanor with Edith (taken by Lydia)
Eleanor Marriott: Lydia with Dylan
Eleanor Marriott: The three tykes
Eleanor Marriott: Tired Tinkerbell
Eleanor Marriott: Tired Tinkerbell
Eleanor Marriott: Sharing the birthday cake
Eleanor Marriott: Sharing the birthday cake
Eleanor Marriott: Edith in her Tinkerbell outfit
Eleanor Marriott: Lydia in Eleanor's old bridesmaid's dress
Eleanor Marriott: Edith in her Tinkerbell outfit