travelling.steve: Spare room ready to go
travelling.steve: Everything moved out of the rooms
travelling.steve: Along the boards
travelling.steve: Empty master bedroom
travelling.steve: Starting out
travelling.steve: Cutouts for the heating vents
travelling.steve: The Powerfists
travelling.steve: Beware pulling out baseboards.
travelling.steve: Pinhole leak
travelling.steve: Self portrait
travelling.steve: Almost done
travelling.steve: Window light
travelling.steve: Cutting the fiddly bits of foam underlay
travelling.steve: Jigsawing. My new favourite activity,
travelling.steve: That should do it
travelling.steve: Almost there
travelling.steve: Baseboard painting
travelling.steve: A job well done
travelling.steve: Baseboard corner work
travelling.steve: Reinstalling the bedroom
travelling.steve: Extreme IKEA angles
travelling.steve: Almost back to normal
travelling.steve: Thresholds done
travelling.steve: Wood to tile