travelling.steve: Stomach turning
travelling.steve: For my bro-in-law
travelling.steve: Spot what's wrong with this picture
travelling.steve: Industrial hoists for sale. At the airport!
travelling.steve: Out the window, down the street
travelling.steve: View from das loo
travelling.steve: Three porthole wall
travelling.steve: Local church
travelling.steve: The neighbourhood
travelling.steve: Last supper
travelling.steve: The Fritzing card
travelling.steve: Hand drawn map
travelling.steve: Scuba soccer
travelling.steve: Scuba team
travelling.steve: Scuba team
travelling.steve: Schnitzel soccer leftovers
travelling.steve: Jens, the impenetrable
travelling.steve: Euro cyclist
travelling.steve: The French hornet
travelling.steve: Wii antics
travelling.steve: Sch-wii-tzel dinner
travelling.steve: Schnitzel in progress
travelling.steve: Leipzig skyline
travelling.steve: Ivy covered flats
travelling.steve: Old and crumbling
travelling.steve: A study in contrasts
travelling.steve: The Konsum
travelling.steve: Das Golf
travelling.steve: The grand entrance to the flat
travelling.steve: Door knob