Steve Wan^_______________,^: This is the wonderful moment in the trip
Steve Wan^_______________,^: 其實天空無時無刻都帶好多星星 ~~ btw, 如果你找列個每次都讓你坐窗口位嘅女人,娶她吧 ~~~
Steve Wan^_______________,^: haha ~ 第一次一齊去lounge 喺咁食野
Steve Wan^_______________,^: Can you see Us !!!????
Steve Wan^_______________,^: 機場新大樓 ~ ^^ still have the new construction smell ~~
Steve Wan^_______________,^: 指定 shot ` ^^ i love it so much !!!
Steve Wan^_______________,^: 2016-03-04 19.33.27
Steve Wan^_______________,^: Go Go Go !!! Budget Airline !!
Steve Wan^_______________,^: 開始我地短又開心二人之旅呢 ~^^
Steve Wan^_______________,^: Paint the Sky with Stars !!!!
Steve Wan^_______________,^: 梅子味,ok la.......
Steve Wan^_______________,^: 梅子味,ok la.......
Steve Wan^_______________,^: Morning Breakfast Finally... can leave airport la~....
Steve Wan^_______________,^: 其實佢已經好倦呢。。。。
Steve Wan^_______________,^: 失心瘋。。。hahahah and said: 真係好多衫呀 !!!
Steve Wan^_______________,^: 呢程車,我地係咁瞓。。。。back to Osaka
Steve Wan^_______________,^: @ Hotel Grande Vista Osaka
Steve Wan^_______________,^: Outside view... ok la