Steve Wan^_______________,^: 最鍾意見到妳開心 ~
Steve Wan^_______________,^: 前一晚出發去Mama 娘家lor `~~
Steve Wan^_______________,^: 前一晚出發去Mama 娘家lor `~~
Steve Wan^_______________,^: 正日出發前瞓一瞓....
Steve Wan^_______________,^: 有background係易影d lei ~~, even with my iPhone.
Steve Wan^_______________,^: Seems she likes this very much
Steve Wan^_______________,^: 第一次見咁多BB lei ~
Steve Wan^_______________,^: Happy Birthday to all !!!!
Steve Wan^_______________,^: Lucky my dearest in the centre of the stage///
Steve Wan^_______________,^: ^^ so attractive to this cake with many "headsss"
Steve Wan^_______________,^: it's glad to make friends to each others ~
Steve Wan^_______________,^: 點解係選女婿大會 ? 因為全場18 位 BB 得 3 位女仔..... wkakakka ....自我開心...
Steve Wan^_______________,^: actually is very 壯觀 for me `
Steve Wan^_______________,^: 佢地全部都同年同月同日生呢 ~ ~
Steve Wan^_______________,^: back home and celebrate peacefully again `
Steve Wan^_______________,^: ^^ and share with our grandpa/grandma tomorrow la ~~
Steve Wan^_______________,^: 妳唔食得住呢~ next year la ~
Steve Wan^_______________,^: Finally ...~ very sleepy and sleep like a 野性嘅 BB......