Steve Wan^_______________,^: 指定動作呢, 但只我一人 only this time.... in Terminal
Steve Wan^_______________,^: Ha ~ First time to enjoy a Free Lounge
Steve Wan^_______________,^: just "selfie" a few of myself in this trip ~
Steve Wan^_______________,^: I like this photo ~ but i was not boarding this plane....
Steve Wan^_______________,^: Actually, is this one. But not bad !
Steve Wan^_______________,^: 開始我個旅程啦 !!!!! Fly High LA !!!
Steve Wan^_______________,^: 一個百看不厭嘅畫面 !!!
Steve Wan^_______________,^: Double Exposure ~ feeling light of myself ~ and fly ~
Steve Wan^_______________,^: 到達日本上空 la ~~~
Steve Wan^_______________,^: 估唔到係萬幾兩萬尺上空聽 TVB 呢 ~ but 幾好聽啦
Steve Wan^_______________,^: 5 年前第一次來都有影過呢
Steve Wan^_______________,^: 其實有架平價車就開, 但就係架機上買咗 this Rapit Limited Train. ~~ then keep on waiting la
Steve Wan^_______________,^: Arrived "First Cabin" ~ actually it's nice~
Steve Wan^_______________,^: but just look like a "Library Feel" Cabin Hotel.
Steve Wan^_______________,^: 好多一格格~~
Steve Wan^_______________,^: Shu............ keep quiet
Steve Wan^_______________,^: standing again in the most typical place in 心斎橋
Steve Wan^_______________,^: Alone in 心斎橋
Steve Wan^_______________,^: 心斎橋 - 1st day Raining lei....
Steve Wan^_______________,^: 見未 closed 就入去買一轉 for mini la ~
Steve Wan^_______________,^: The only view outside my living place - First Cabin
Steve Wan^_______________,^: 到步第一餐 - 吉野家 鰻魚飯
Steve Wan^_______________,^: a nice place for 燒海鮮, but no time to have a try lei....
Steve Wan^_______________,^: 吉野家 (for men's only)
Steve Wan^_______________,^: keep raining in the 1st day....
Steve Wan^_______________,^: seems "midnight" in 心斎橋
Steve Wan^_______________,^: but actually it's just round 22:30
Steve Wan^_______________,^: in the hope trip, i like this photo most ~
Steve Wan^_______________,^: 我鍾意不斷試當地野飲~