Steve Wan^_______________,^: 一放工, 又瞓唔到D 咩就通宵 E 車啦 ~..
Steve Wan^_______________,^: 去到機場才天光呢....
Steve Wan^_______________,^: 今次就是這個簾航呢.. ok la ..
Steve Wan^_______________,^: 哈 ! 好rush 嘅飛機餐 ....actually l love night flight.
Steve Wan^_______________,^: 到啦 !! @ morning time, 個 donkin donut 麻麻地...
Steve Wan^_______________,^: 指定地方 again ..~ 明洞 ! I"m back !!!!!
Steve Wan^_______________,^: i like this feeling.
Steve Wan^_______________,^: wait our great friends ! ^^ for dinner
Steve Wan^_______________,^: so great that she keep on traveling around the world
Steve Wan^_______________,^: 男人地獄.... 東大門....ha - all for girls...
Steve Wan^_______________,^: ha~~~ too many 韓星扮我呢~~
Steve Wan^_______________,^: 如的櫻花lei ~.永遠都cannot match the best moment...
Steve Wan^_______________,^: so ~~~ Korea Style ~ ^^
Steve Wan^_______________,^: 反而見到靚嘅黃紅葉 ~ ~ ~
Steve Wan^_______________,^: she is my dear ~
Steve Wan^_______________,^: today's lunch ~~ good wor ~ but still have Gimchi taste..
Steve Wan^_______________,^: love to relax in the central park of 汝矣島.
Steve Wan^_______________,^: LIFE. (我都幾鍾意用哩個名起題) ~..
Steve Wan^_______________,^: all in Korea Pop Style ~~~ walk around the park
Steve Wan^_______________,^: Today's lunch (encore !!) still got Gimchi inside....ha
Steve Wan^_______________,^: i think it is a 蒲公英 ~ ^^ how softly you are ~
Steve Wan^_______________,^: the most beautiful sakura in the most beautiful girl.
Steve Wan^_______________,^: ^^.... we are 吹漲咗呢,...
Steve Wan^_______________,^: ha ~~ keep on take photos with you
Steve Wan^_______________,^: hope to last 2 of us, Forever, dear.