Bothering Birds: Snow Geese
Bothering Birds: Red-Tailed Hawk
Bothering Birds: Northern Pintails
Bothering Birds: Western Screech Owl
Bothering Birds: Coyote and Ducks
Bothering Birds: Red-Tailed Hawk
Bothering Birds: Loggerhead Shrike
Bothering Birds: Bufflehead
Bothering Birds: Bufflehead
Bothering Birds: Northern Pintails
Bothering Birds: Raptors
Bothering Birds: Northern Harrier
Bothering Birds: Bald Eagle - Imm
Bothering Birds: Red-Winged Blackbird
Bothering Birds: White-Throated Sparrow
Bothering Birds: Pine Siskin
Bothering Birds: Barn Owl
Bothering Birds: Bald Eagles
Bothering Birds: Great Egrets and Great-Blue Herons
Bothering Birds: Vermilion Flycatcher
Bothering Birds: Vermilion Flycatcher
Bothering Birds: Imm. Great Blue Heron
Bothering Birds: Butterflies
Bothering Birds: Northern Harrier
Bothering Birds: American White Pelicans
Bothering Birds: Mule Deer
Bothering Birds: Orb Weaver
Bothering Birds: Collared Lizard
Bothering Birds: Collared Lizard
Bothering Birds: Red-Tailed Hawk