Bothering Birds: Neotropic Cormorants
Bothering Birds: Neotropic Cormorants
Bothering Birds: Neotropic Cormorant
Bothering Birds: Great Horned Owl
Bothering Birds: Black Chinned Hummingbird
Bothering Birds: Blackbird
Bothering Birds: Cooper's Hawk
Bothering Birds: Kingbird
Bothering Birds: Teal flying away
Bothering Birds: Western Meadowlark
Bothering Birds: Great Blue Heron
Bothering Birds: Killdeer
Bothering Birds: Stilt and Ducks
Bothering Birds: Black-Chinned Hummingbird
Bothering Birds: Ash-Throated Flycatcher
Bothering Birds: American White Pelicans
Bothering Birds: Wilson's Phalarope
Bothering Birds: Snowy Egret
Bothering Birds: Stilt in flight
Bothering Birds: Avocet and Stilt
Bothering Birds: Black-necked Stilt
Bothering Birds: Belen March
Bothering Birds: American White Pelicans 2
Bothering Birds: Western Meadowlark
Bothering Birds: Ruddy Duck
Bothering Birds: Not sure, Teals?
Bothering Birds: Kingbirds
Bothering Birds: Yellow-Headed Blackbirds
Bothering Birds: Black Necked Stilts
Bothering Birds: Snowy Egret