steve_scordino: Zero degree beauty
steve_scordino: Common Merganser
steve_scordino: Common Redpoll
steve_scordino: Frost Island
steve_scordino: Fur Rondy 2017 - Barrel Jump
steve_scordino: Turnagain Arm from McHugh Creek
steve_scordino: Turnagain Arm from McHugh Creek
steve_scordino: Gadwall at Spenard Crossing
steve_scordino: Portage Glacier and Lake, Alaska
steve_scordino: Dall Sheep
steve_scordino: View from the Glenn Highway
steve_scordino: Defiance
steve_scordino: Cordova, Alaska, Episcopalian Church
steve_scordino: Bald Eagle at Cordova, Alaska harbor
steve_scordino: Stream flowing into Hartney Bay, Cordova, Alaska
steve_scordino: Shorebird murmuration
steve_scordino: Tree Swallow at Potter Marsh
steve_scordino: McHugh Creek in Chugach State Park, Anchorage, Alaska
steve_scordino: Red-throated Loon
steve_scordino: Derby Cove Falls #1
steve_scordino: Derby Cove Falls #2
steve_scordino: Bobcat at Sweetwater Wetlands
steve_scordino: Orange-crowned Warbler
steve_scordino: Cooper's Hawk
steve_scordino: Curve-billed Thrasher
steve_scordino: Brown-headed Cowbirds near sunrise
steve_scordino: Vermilion Flycatcher - female
steve_scordino: Green Heron at Gilbert Water Ranch on 11-10-17
steve_scordino: Eurpean Collared-dove
steve_scordino: Thunderbird Falls