splatwriter: Ready to Go
splatwriter: Found Art
splatwriter: Red Flyer
splatwriter: Weathered
splatwriter: Weathered Door
splatwriter: Gold Edges
splatwriter: Intersection
splatwriter: Blue and Gray
splatwriter: Bicycle Fence1
splatwriter: Red Peppers
splatwriter: A Sudden Chill
splatwriter: Rocking Horse
splatwriter: Turntable
splatwriter: Motel Room
splatwriter: Loose Stones
splatwriter: Before the Guests Arrive
splatwriter: Directions
splatwriter: The Last Phone Booth
splatwriter: Office Interior
splatwriter: Embrace
splatwriter: State O the Nation
splatwriter: Warm Day
splatwriter: Petals
splatwriter: Lazy Gardening
splatwriter: After Mardi Gras
splatwriter: Bounty
splatwriter: The Waves
splatwriter: Opium Jar