Steve Lionel: SC09 Eric and Wendy talk to customers
Steve Lionel: SC09 Intel booth
Steve Lionel: SC09 Spectra T-Finity tape archive
Steve Lionel: SC09 Cray goes green
Steve Lionel: SC09 show floor
Steve Lionel: SC09 presentation at Intel booth
Steve Lionel: SC09 James gets interviewed
Steve Lionel: SC09 Eric gives a demo
Steve Lionel: SC09 password capture
Steve Lionel: SC09 cluster partner booth
Steve Lionel: SC09 show floor
Steve Lionel: SC09 Eraser sushi
Steve Lionel: SC09 Microsoft
Steve Lionel: SC09 Microsoft
Steve Lionel: SC09 Microsoft
Steve Lionel: SC09 IBM
Steve Lionel: SC09 AMD
Steve Lionel: SC09 show floor
Steve Lionel: SC09 show floor
Steve Lionel: SC09 What happens when you've been at the booth too long
Steve Lionel: SC09 Intel technology tour
Steve Lionel: SC09 Two Guys and a Cluster
Steve Lionel: SC09 hamster robot?
Steve Lionel: SC09 show floor
Steve Lionel: SC09 booth babe
Steve Lionel: SC09 lots of blinkety lights
Steve Lionel: SC09 Amanda
Steve Lionel: SC09 Paging Spellcheck!
Steve Lionel: SC09 Eric and Wendy
Steve Lionel: SC09 Intel technology tour