Steve519: It's official, Ashley's days of being an only child after going to be coming to an end. Estimated due date, January 2!
Steve519: Enzo says it's really starting to feel like summer again :)
Steve519: Marlen made me an awesome Cookie Monster Birthday cake! It tasted amazing!
Steve519: My haul from this year's food drive, kind of disappointing really, one of my smallest food drive pickups in a long time.
Steve519: Celebratory beer, can't say what I'm celebrating but it's worth it :)
Steve519: A day of work withnice weather, I just have to hop on the bike and enjoy some sun.
Steve519: Found out I passed the 3,000 mile mark on one of my bikes. I bought it the summer that we moved here to Fort Collins. Happy with myself.
Steve519: It's time for war!! Super excited!
Steve519: It's about that time, time for Game of Thrones!
Steve519: The wrapping up of last night's date night :)
Steve519: Date night has begun!
Steve519: Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas everyone! :)
Steve519: This woman is too nice to me, she makes me happier than I could ever imagine :)
Steve519: Finishing the day at Odell with my lovely Mrs and my lil princess. Live music Wednesdays!
Steve519: Now to Snowbank!
Steve519: First time visiting Fort Collins Brewery with the wife.
Steve519: First stop, Horse and Dragon!
Steve519: Live music is back at Odell but finely with some spring type weather!
Steve519: Wifey and I while Ashley is in school. Wish the clouds and the wind would break, but it was still a great ride :)
Steve519: @odellbrewing's Friek is pretty enjoyable :) Well worth the visit.
Steve519: The weather worked with us today, most of the snow is gone :) So we road to Equinox
Steve519: Ashley egg hunting away this morning, with Enzo just relaxing on the Sumo.
Steve519: It's always awesome to come home to dinner, especially when dinner is homemade enchiladas!
Steve519: Yesterday, 71 and sunny, today, full blizzard warning in effect. I wore shorts and bikes to pick Ashley up from school yesterday, today, I'm worried about the drive just to get to work. #fortcollins #FoCo #blizzard #snow
Steve519: Visiting Disneyland :)
Steve519: Enjoying life with the Mrs and the little one :)
Steve519: 13 years ago today, for reasons only known to her, @ibarraartlip said "I Do" and made be into the happiest person that I could ever be. Through the good times, and not so good times, she has stuck with me, always on my side, doing everything she could me
Steve519: What a great day to have a day off on. Drinking with the Mrs :)
Steve519: What's this on my tv screen?
Steve519: Four years ago we made the move to Fort Collins, what a great life choice for our family. Now if only I can find a house.