S.Tessler: Goodmorning Lopes family.
S.Tessler: Tusk & Cup Fine Coffee
S.Tessler: I know that rose like I know my name.
S.Tessler: If you need lovin' oh baby I'll travel.
S.Tessler: SX-70
S.Tessler: Morgan
S.Tessler: Morgan
S.Tessler: I break into little tiny pieces and vanish and you can take all the memories of me and make patterns of them.
S.Tessler: Morgan
S.Tessler: Morgan
S.Tessler: Morgan
S.Tessler: Morgan
S.Tessler: Morgan
S.Tessler: Morgan
S.Tessler: Morgan
S.Tessler: Morgan
S.Tessler: Huntington
S.Tessler: Morgan
S.Tessler: Morgan
S.Tessler: Do you mind if I have some of your tasty beverage to wash this flavor down?
S.Tessler: Carolyn
S.Tessler: Kate and Morgan
S.Tessler: Carolyn