sterte: Emails
sterte: Wespen
sterte: Bologna
sterte: Reading "the wonderful wizard of oz"
sterte: Swatch shopping... stop watching!
sterte: The kind of pic you eventually end up doing if you live in Bologna
sterte: Ducati Celebrations (1)
sterte: Looking at people looking at pictures
sterte: Alone
sterte: Piazza S.Stefano
sterte: Marriage in Venice
sterte: La dolce vita... bolognese
sterte: Excuse me sir, where can I park my bus?
sterte: Zebra Crossing
sterte: Misty Bologna (2)
sterte: Amazed
sterte: People on canvas (1)
sterte: Mummified hand
sterte: How to set up a fake crowd
sterte: Unusual busker (1)
sterte: Dove si Escher?
sterte: So what?
sterte: Sulla porta di un bar berlinese...
sterte: Church of the dead (2)
sterte: Fashion Victims