monogrant: Lose Yourself...
monogrant: a swift shift to shit
monogrant: Drawing conclusions with my favorite brick red crayon.
monogrant: sndngmxdmssgs
monogrant: the dark cloud has returned
monogrant: Today, happiness is HellBoy 2.
monogrant: best viewed from a warm room.
monogrant: headed south...
monogrant: infusion/injection, dillusion/deception, reclusion/rejection
monogrant: the baptism
monogrant: in my haste, I bent the trees
monogrant: quietly, he dreamt of an ejection seat.
monogrant: peeling brown bananas
monogrant: change is here
monogrant: ...and that's when it occurred to me, some things will never change.
monogrant: sidetracked and sidelined
monogrant: is anyone else nervous for this guy?
monogrant: getting things in order
monogrant: Somewhere Up There