ESRC STEPS Centre: Lyla Mehta introducing the symposium
ESRC STEPS Centre: Lyla Mehta, Project Convenor, STEPS Centre
ESRC STEPS Centre: Melissa Leach, STEPS Centre
ESRC STEPS Centre: Roger Calow of ODI introducing a discussion on climate change
ESRC STEPS Centre: Declan Conway answering a question
ESRC STEPS Centre: Declan Conway, University of East Anglia
ESRC STEPS Centre: Laurence Smith, SOAS
ESRC STEPS Centre: Question from the floor
ESRC STEPS Centre: Kirsten Hastrup, University of Copenhagen
ESRC STEPS Centre: Merylyn Hedger, Institute of Development Studies
ESRC STEPS Centre: Prof Bronwen Morgan, University of Bristol
ESRC STEPS Centre: STEPS display at Water Symposium
ESRC STEPS Centre: Fatema Rajabali, Eldis
ESRC STEPS Centre: Listening to a presentation
ESRC STEPS Centre: Mansoor Ali, Practical Action
ESRC STEPS Centre: Asking a question
ESRC STEPS Centre: Delegates talking over lunch
ESRC STEPS Centre: Jeremy Allouche, fellow at IDS
ESRC STEPS Centre: Notetakers at the Symposium
ESRC STEPS Centre: Discussion session on sanitation and disease ecologies
ESRC STEPS Centre: Delegates listening to a presentation
ESRC STEPS Centre: Gordon McGranahan, IIED
ESRC STEPS Centre: Melissa Leach, STEPS Centre
ESRC STEPS Centre: Debating urbanisation and its peri-urban fringe