ESRC STEPS Centre: Seed seclector and her seed storage, Sakai
ESRC STEPS Centre: Seed selector, Sakai
ESRC STEPS Centre: Seed store,Sakai
ESRC STEPS Centre: Serah Nderitu of ACTS conducting research, Kakamega
ESRC STEPS Centre: Young farmer talking about her work, Kakamega
ESRC STEPS Centre: Farmer presenting a sketch of his farm, Kakamega
ESRC STEPS Centre: Farmer presenting a sketch of her farm, Kakamega
ESRC STEPS Centre: Pile of stovas from removing cobs, Kakamega
ESRC STEPS Centre: This farmer cleared her land of rocks and built the wall herself
ESRC STEPS Centre: Kenya Seed Company - mazie seed storage
ESRC STEPS Centre: Kenya Seed Company selection line
ESRC STEPS Centre: Kenya Seed Company - guide to seed selection
ESRC STEPS Centre: Diversity on a farm in Kakamega, recycling maize stovas for use as soil nutrition
ESRC STEPS Centre: First planting after clearing the rocks from thier land, Kakmega
ESRC STEPS Centre: Couple who break rocks for a living
ESRC STEPS Centre: Pathways out of maize - horticulture, Sakai family
ESRC STEPS Centre: Maize maize ntercropped with bean - no water source
ESRC STEPS Centre: What maize should look like - these farmers have a water source on site
ESRC STEPS Centre: transporting water to the farm, Sakai
ESRC STEPS Centre: ploughing, Sakai
ESRC STEPS Centre: inside the agro-vet
ESRC STEPS Centre: Limited feed for the cows, so they have grown very thin, Sakai
ESRC STEPS Centre: Manured plot vs non-manured plot
ESRC STEPS Centre: Outside a Agro-vet stockist, Wote, Kenya
ESRC STEPS Centre: Reproduction plough made from wood by children copying a metal version, Sakai
ESRC STEPS Centre: Diseased cob and pile of stovas, Kakamega