|steppe: Minimalismi d'autore
|steppe: The voyeur
|steppe: No man is an island
|steppe: C'è chi vede il mondo a colori, e chi no
|steppe: Looking for inspiration
|steppe: We live in the mind, in ideas, in fragments
|steppe: The ghosts of our past will always haunt us
|steppe: Flower power
|steppe: Do you really want to hurt me?
|steppe: You can't beat love
|steppe: Stay hungry, stay foolish!
|steppe: To love is to understand and feel that the other person is different
|steppe: Dedicated to you, mom!
|steppe: Delicate like you and me
|steppe: Di storie da raccontare
|steppe: Frammenti
|steppe: Convivenza forzata