|steppe: The game is over!
|steppe: Who's behind the glass?
|steppe: Sinuous geometry
|steppe: Mamma Mia!
|steppe: Milluminodimmenso!
|steppe: How to make a BAD photograph!
|steppe: Fly, up to the sky (Je sème à tout vent)
|steppe: The quintessence of art is admiration and astonishment
|steppe: Tu vuoi fa' l'americano...
|steppe: Tanzt, tanzt, sonst sind wir verloren!
|steppe: The good, the nice and the handsome (in a random order)
|steppe: Like a deep blue sea
|steppe: White lagoon
|steppe: The beauty and the beast
|steppe: It does not matter how slowly you go...
|steppe: A gentleman in South Tyrol
|steppe: Laughter (at sunset) is the shortest distance between people
|steppe: [Dreams] All men of action are dreamers
|steppe: Music was my first love...
|steppe: ... and she became a pillar of salt
|steppe: Experimenting with friends...
|steppe: It's hard to be young and erudite
|steppe: A man and his toy
|steppe: Houston, we have a problem
|steppe: E magnatèla n'emozione!
|steppe: "Quando c'è l'amore c'è tutto". "No, ti sbagli, chella è 'a salute"
|steppe: L'area frizzante nei polmoni, l'incedere spavaldo, lo sguardo assorto...
|steppe: Questione di copricapi e... di sommi capi!
|steppe: Happy new year!
|steppe: Il nostro Adamo (in versione castigata)