|steppe: Walking in my shoes
|steppe: The reader
|steppe: High above the horizon...
|steppe: Remembrances
|steppe: To be or not to be
|steppe: I feel you
|steppe: I'm singing...
|steppe: Once upon a time
|steppe: It’s a tough job, but someone’s gotta do it
|steppe: Deeper and deeper
|steppe: I loathe narcissism, but I approve of vanity
|steppe: To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance
|steppe: One afternoon in Paris
|steppe: There is always a story behind every photo
|steppe: An odd bird
|steppe: Stop and smell the flowers
|steppe: In testa ho
|steppe: Continuo a credere che sia la leggerezza a salvarci
|steppe: There's a black sheep in every flock!
|steppe: The candidate
|steppe: Professione reporter
|steppe: Di giorni che volano
|steppe: Di azulejos, di magliette a righe e di sguardi (un po') accigliati