stepol: Steve's tent setup before the meeting
stepol: John's tent setup before the meeting
stepol: Bob sets up his tent before the meeting
stepol: Tom and Bob's tents before the meeting
stepol: Lots of dedicated Scout leaders
stepol: Richard gives us the good news about the encampment
stepol: Our Cub RT Commish gets his beads
stepol: Steve Busic gets defrocked of his participant regalia
stepol: Steve Busic gets his Wood Badge neckerchief
stepol: Steve talks about his son John's setup
stepol: Checking out the different types of sleeping pads
stepol: Steve goes over backpacking equipment
stepol: Leaders listen to Bob's description
stepol: Bob shows off his mad packing skillz
stepol: Steve with his tent setup
stepol: Steve explains some of his equipment
stepol: Steve answers leaders' questions
stepol: Ron gave a demo of the jug knot
stepol: Ron attempts to show us how to tie the jug knot
stepol: Leaders stand in awe of Ron's knot tying skills
stepol: Leaders check out a pack and attempt the jug knot
stepol: Leaders chatting after the meeting
stepol: Leaders chat after the meeting
stepol: There was even ice cream at the end