stephwittels: erik discovers crockpot
stephwittels: daniel by fire
stephwittels: erik sports his new fancy shirt
stephwittels: biscuits!
stephwittels: dog in sunlight with my shadow
stephwittels: emily's last portrait of 2007
stephwittels: anna's last portrait of 2007
stephwittels: packin up the crockpot
stephwittels: daniel w/ long hair
stephwittels: playin a song game i sucked at
stephwittels: dog in sunlight
stephwittels: erik opening presents
stephwittels: adr, chloe
stephwittels: erik's last portrait of 2007
stephwittels: daniel and emily by fire
stephwittels: emily's first portrait of 2008
stephwittels: gimme gimme smore
stephwittels: NYE PARTY CALL ME
stephwittels: daniel w/ mustache
stephwittels: chloe's last portrait of 2007 (on the blackberry OF COURSE)
stephwittels: he loves his crock pot
stephwittels: wasted
stephwittels: midnite-ish
stephwittels: midnite
stephwittels: erik opening presents