stephvandyke: blue steel
stephvandyke: the rearview mirror
stephvandyke: giggle sauce
stephvandyke: nice 'do
stephvandyke: kexp bbq
stephvandyke: kexp bbq
stephvandyke: kexp bbq
stephvandyke: steven sadie
stephvandyke: the blakes
stephvandyke: lynn steven sadie
stephvandyke: blue scholars and beach balls
stephvandyke: IMG_0512.JPG
stephvandyke: steven
stephvandyke: cool hat
stephvandyke: the blue scholars had a horn section
stephvandyke: cloud cult has artists on stage
stephvandyke: seattle's summer colors
stephvandyke: family and friends
stephvandyke: scooter sauce
stephvandyke: on the scoot
stephvandyke: robin's place
stephvandyke: sadie steph
stephvandyke: robin and wil love being photographed
stephvandyke: Seattle Art Museum
stephvandyke: cafe at SAM
stephvandyke: sadie at SAM