stephvandyke: toasting the birthday boy
stephvandyke: nice tiara!
stephvandyke: a fabulous night on the sky terrace!
stephvandyke: it's a hoop-off
stephvandyke: zack's a rockstar, look at that form!
stephvandyke: andy workin the hoop
stephvandyke: zack's still going!
stephvandyke: playing ho(op)stess
stephvandyke: cheers!
stephvandyke: jake the hoopmaster..
stephvandyke: the devilish hoopmaster..
stephvandyke: He can do three at once..
stephvandyke: he can hoop with his feet..
stephvandyke: hoop down!
stephvandyke: go jake!
stephvandyke: funky lit action shot
stephvandyke: birthday lovin!
stephvandyke: what's jeff doing with that hoop?!
stephvandyke: the geminis
stephvandyke: just prior to hittin' the town!
stephvandyke: you know you be so true..