stephmanuel1980: DSCF1580
stephmanuel1980: Getting a taste of the ten commandments DSCF1583
stephmanuel1980: Hamburger DSCF1586
stephmanuel1980: Holocaust survivor DSCF1592
stephmanuel1980: Anonymous? DSCF1593
stephmanuel1980: Jewish War Veterans of the United States DSCF1595
stephmanuel1980: DSCF1596
stephmanuel1980: History threw them into each other's arms and there they remain DSCF1597
stephmanuel1980: DSCF1601
stephmanuel1980: Difficult to pronounce DSCF1603
stephmanuel1980: DSCF1602
stephmanuel1980: Perished in the Holocaust DSCF1605
stephmanuel1980: Memory stones DSCF1606
stephmanuel1980: Holocaust Survivor DSCF1608
stephmanuel1980: DSCF1609
stephmanuel1980: Memory stones ONLY DSCF1610
stephmanuel1980: DSCF1612
stephmanuel1980: Fish bench DSCF1613
stephmanuel1980: DSCF1615
stephmanuel1980: Weiner DSCF1619
stephmanuel1980: Bench grapes DSCF1617
stephmanuel1980: Wise DSCF1621
stephmanuel1980: DSCF1624
stephmanuel1980: DSCF1626
stephmanuel1980: Gold & Ring DSCF1630
stephmanuel1980: Gross. DSCF1632
stephmanuel1980: Simon Livshits DSCF1634
stephmanuel1980: Proper DSCF1636
stephmanuel1980: Harf DSCF1638
stephmanuel1980: Junker DSCF1640