stephmanuel1980: DSCF6302
stephmanuel1980: DSCF6306
stephmanuel1980: Bill Gillett
stephmanuel1980: DSCF6311
stephmanuel1980: Hmm, that was interesting
stephmanuel1980: DSCF6314
stephmanuel1980: I like this one especially
stephmanuel1980: Marriage
stephmanuel1980: Silhouette
stephmanuel1980: DSCF6329
stephmanuel1980: DSCF6332
stephmanuel1980: DSCF6336
stephmanuel1980: It's a boy, Mrs. Walker, it's a boy.
stephmanuel1980: DSCF6341
stephmanuel1980: DSCF6343
stephmanuel1980: DSCF6348
stephmanuel1980: Mrs. Walker and her lover, and Tommy
stephmanuel1980: DSCF6353
stephmanuel1980: '21 is gonna be a good year
stephmanuel1980: Didn't expect to see you again.
stephmanuel1980: A scuffle.
stephmanuel1980: Oh s--t.