stephmanuel1980: Souvenier Snowman
stephmanuel1980: I think this is a bank...
stephmanuel1980: Close-up: Columbia slot machine
stephmanuel1980: Ding, dong, bell.
stephmanuel1980: Boob cats.
stephmanuel1980: Sundial temporarily out of commission
stephmanuel1980: Hummer Limo
stephmanuel1980: "You must stand above my ears to ride this ride."
stephmanuel1980: High-heel shelf
stephmanuel1980: Ouija Board at Goodwill
stephmanuel1980: Ouija box
stephmanuel1980: Bad news
stephmanuel1980: What a piece of crap.
stephmanuel1980: Valued too high
stephmanuel1980: What happens when you own a Tribble
stephmanuel1980: Boingers!
stephmanuel1980: Comparing coffee to fuel
stephmanuel1980: Figure-8 eyes
stephmanuel1980: This "Vichicle" owned operated by a redneck American!
stephmanuel1980: Bird veggie peeler
stephmanuel1980: Campbell's condensed the Earth?
stephmanuel1980: I'm physically incapable of having it.
stephmanuel1980: Cat in the fish tank
stephmanuel1980: Pu pu tray
stephmanuel1980: Not my idea. Wish I had thought of it.
stephmanuel1980: First quarter, IQ, or both?
stephmanuel1980: The Love Doctor