stephk: Lilies and snaps
stephk: More garden shots
stephk: Dwarf Asiatic Lily, loaded with blooms.
stephk: Front bed
stephk: Yet another view!
stephk: Zinnia
stephk: Posies
stephk: P6050155
stephk: Front of the house
stephk: The garden layout
stephk: P5080157
stephk: One room mostly done, many still to go.
stephk: kitchen from the dining room
stephk: kitchen
stephk: more mark's room
stephk: mark's office -- so bright!
stephk: sky blue bedroom (and the shed that mark and jefremy built)
stephk: P4090145
stephk: Before.
stephk: P4090143
stephk: P4090142
stephk: P4090140
stephk: P4090135
stephk: P4090133
stephk: P4090132
stephk: latest project
stephk: Another view.
stephk: Perennial Garden
stephk: Perennial Garden
stephk: Coreopsis