stephinmerrit: skyscrapper
stephinmerrit: nutcracker
stephinmerrit: stars on the wall
stephinmerrit: hotel hudson view
stephinmerrit: äh? central park west
stephinmerrit: stars in the neighbourhood
stephinmerrit: diet problems
stephinmerrit: whale of 10 tons
stephinmerrit: walrus holidays
stephinmerrit: dino X-mas
stephinmerrit: DSC_0252
stephinmerrit: DSC_0261
stephinmerrit: oyster bar
stephinmerrit: central station
stephinmerrit: public traffic
stephinmerrit: central station and chrylser composition
stephinmerrit: citylights
stephinmerrit: colourful kiosk
stephinmerrit: bryant park
stephinmerrit: iceskater
stephinmerrit: bryant park
stephinmerrit: bryant park
stephinmerrit: espn zone
stephinmerrit: chicago
stephinmerrit: iron stairs
stephinmerrit: factual error
stephinmerrit: Attack of the purple China dragon
stephinmerrit: Chinatown
stephinmerrit: colours in NY II